Would you grant your children immortality at the expense of senses?

Melissa • Daughter 12/1/2016 ♥️ 32 weeker ToF PA MAPCAs ♥️ pregnant with #2 🌈 baby ♥️ MC 10/3/2018 👼

My husband and I were playing a video game and one of the characters mother gave him immortality and the ability to never feel pain. However, he lost the ability to feel touch or to experience the taste of foods etc. Obviously this is a hypothetical but if you were a mother with that ability, would you grant your child immortality at the expense of being able to feel and sense the world around them? Would your answer change if you had a child with a life threatening or extremely painful medical condition?

My daughter has needed open heart surgery and will need more throughout her lifetime. I have seen her in pain and been unable to do anything about it. There is always the risk of us loosing her. However, I still don't think I would do this, even in our case. I feel that experiencing the world is one of the best parts of living and to take that away is akin to taking away the true essence of being human.

I'm curious about your thoughts.

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