Boosting your milk supply!


So for a month or so my milk supply had slowed down a lot. It was to the point where I was only able to nurse my baby & not pump anything else. I almost felt like I didn’t have enough milk to satisfy my baby.

After doing research & trying lactation cookies, laction pills, etc. I finally decided to try my own thing & let me tell you! IT WORKS.

So my “secret” is drinking 120oz of water a day, it’s hard but you gotta do it! A bowl of maple oatmeal in the morning & a 1/4 cup of flaxseeds! After just one week my lagger boob pumped 5oz! I was only ever able to get 2oz AT MOST from it! I also stopped drinking soda, juice, stopped eating fast food & started eating more healthy like an avocado as a snack (avocados are said to boost milk supply) I been eating salads, etc.

For those moms feeling like giving up I WAS THERE, DON’T GIVE UP! Find what works for you! 120oz of water a day (sometimes I wouldn’t be able to meet my goal & would only drink 72oz) & just one bowl of oatmeal w 1/4 cup of flaxseeds changes so much!

Try it & let me know if it worked for you ladies!