i need advicee


hey guys im new here and i need some advice..

so this is how it all started:

me and this guy(lets call him ice)were part of the School Government,which means we had to be together as much as possible.Time progressed,and we started talking.He then started to message me in messenger and we would chat for hours.One night,i confessed to him,and he confessed back.And the we started to date.We talked 24/7 in messenger but we wont even say a word to each other in real life.After 1 month of us dating,he started being cold to me.I would always start conversations,he wont say "i love you" to me,he wont greet me goodnight or goodmorning.Ice was a busy guy.He was part of the Volleyball Varsity,a honor student and a gamer.so i kept repeating in my head,"hes probably busy."but eventually,i was tired,and i managed to cut it off.the worst part is that we're part of the School Government.Me and ice would always be partnered,and we wouldnt talk nor look at each other.

Then one day,he started talking to this girl(lets call her ggss).GGSS was really close to boys as if they were her boyfriends.She even held hands and kissed some of her boy-friends,and she was the School Government President.GGSS and ice were really close as if theyre together.i don't know why but i always get jealous..i need advice on how to move on from him..