Cardi b

Valerie • 👩🏻❤️👨🏾

What is your thoughts about cardi b talking about politics?

My opinion 👇🏻

I feel like it’s good that we have someone not afraid to speak their mind. Also am kinda angry that majority of the comments under her post saying she’s uneducated and she shouldn’t speak. She did go to school believe it or not. And she has the rights to speak her mind like everyone else. And some comments that are like she should keeping shaking her ass that all she good at or she’s was once a stripper why she talking. Those get to me more because SOME(am not saying all but some) professional female doctor and lawyer strip at one point to get money for their education. Now they are out here helping people and finish their education. So a person pass job shouldn’t define them in my opinion.

Once again it’s my opinion if you don’t like it tell me why but don’t bash me in the process of doing so