2 months late


I was supposed to have a december baby but he came on November 27th at 12:54 am by emergency c section at exactly 37 weeks. Day started out normal. I'd been having contractions every 2 minutes since I was 34 weeks. Kept being sent home to labor on my own since I declined terbutiline. Finally on November 26th at 10 pm we decided to go in. Last time I was at the hospital, I was 36 weeks, 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Went back in 6 days later and got the news that I was 6 cm with a bulging bag of water. They said I was staying there this time. I called my mom at 10:30 pm to let her know she could start heading our way. She had a 2 and a half hour drive to us. I got my epidural around midnight not knowing if my contractions would be as intense as they were with my first after my water was broken. They gave me a little dose to numb me enough for them to put the catheter in. Immediately after, I started getting hot, felt like throwing up and felt like I couldn't breathe. I threw up in a bag 4 times. My blood pressure had plummeted and with that, my son's heart rate dropped to the 60's and 70's. Because of it being low, they couldn't pick it up on the monitor. They decided to break my water and stick something in his head to read his heart rate. My blood pressure came back up and his heart rate dropped to the 30's. After that, 4 nurses rushed in the room making the count 6 nurses total in my room. They unhooked everything and said we were going to the OR. Meanwhile I was on oxygen the whole way and once in the OR, I was moved to the operating table and given the oxygen that goes in the nose. They put up the curtain, asked if I could feel them touching my stomach and legs, I told them no and they started cutting into me at 12:30 am. At 12:54 am, my little guy was out but he wasn't breathing. No cry came from him. I heard the nurses say he had no heartbeat and I started crying my eyes out. After 2 minutes of working on him, they got him back. They brought him over and let me kiss him quickly before taking him to the NICU to be on cpap and oxygen. I finished getting stitched and stapled up then went to recovery for an hour. They gave me another dose of the epidural while stitching me up and it dropped my blood pressure yet again and made me puke again. My fiance was told he could come see me in recovery and never got to. At about 2:30, they started wheeling me back to my recovery room where I would spend the next 2 days. It wasn't until 5:30 that I got to see my son. When they brought him, he was hooked up to an oxygen monitor and had an IV in his little arm for his blood sugar to stay normal. I held him for the first time and then his daddy held him. My mom wasn't allowed to hold him for 24 hours. A week away from being 2 months old. Our little Leo was 4lbs 15.9 oz and 18 inches long. Born 3 weeks early and also born with a full head of brown hair unlike his big brother who was born bald. He's now 8 lbs and 10 oz. After my c section, I was told one of the operating doctors got pulled over on his way to the hospital. The cops made him get out of his car and held guns to his head just because he said he was a doctor and had to get to the hospital for an emergency c section. I was walking a couple hours after my c section. I still get pains in my incision but I do my everyday stuff with no problem. We feel so blessed that our little man is healthy and alive.