bad high & love story??

Girls, when I say this was a bad high, I mean I legit was praying to the lord to either take me now or let me live.

ok so let’s start w some explaining. i decided to take half an edible last night, and the only other time i had gotten high was from smoking a bowl but it ain’t even hit me hard. ok so i was playing cards against humanity and me & my boyfriends cousin (let’s call her j) we’re laughing out asses off, but the high hasn’t really kicked in yet. so a girl had to piss, so i got up and went. when i came back, i started having a hard time reading the card and had my bf do it. then, i began explaining how it just started to hit me but it wasn’t hitting me that hard. like after i got up and sat back down i started feeling it. BUT in the midst on my explanation, a bitch stares straight ahead and goes quiet, then next thing i remember im laying face down on the bed with j and my bfs best friend laughing on how “im gonee” which was totally fine cus it looked like it just hit me and i was slumped. but naw, god had other plans for me.

i start panicking. i hownstly wish i could go back and fully remember, but i just remember thinking that i was dying. i blacked out 4 times in the span of maybe 1 minute? i was so confused and dazed out. i remember the whole time i kept thinking “this is just a dream. that’s what it feels like ur dying in ur dream” then “oh shit, this is real” and i even tried getting up as i said “this is real”. i started hyperventilating and freaking out. i prayed so hard. i remember wanting to beg my boyfriend to call 911, i seriously thought it was laced. everytime i blacked out, i thought it was me dying. i had never been so terrified in my entire life. i had no control over myself. finally, i sat up (when i was able to because i literally couldn’t move) and got some water. a girl had to piss but i knew i couldn’t even walk. they turned off the lights for me and put on a chill comedy so i wouldn’t flip out anymore. the WHOLE time i was flipping out, my boyfriend was petting my head and talking to me so softly. he was telling me that i was gonna be ok and that he was right there. the whole night he held me so tightly.

i remember when i was blacking out, when he began talking to me, my whole mind would focus on him. i wanted to look at him, but i kept passing out and my eyes wouldn’t stay open. when i finally laid down, i stared at him and everything around him would just go blurry. truly, he was the only reason i didn’t freak out more. he took so much care of me and my love for him only grew stronger.

i remember almost being asleep and in my head, my throat was a blender and it was on. i started gasping for air thinking that i couldn’t breath and my boyfriend slowly pet my hair and told me that i most definitely was able to breathe. I remember thinking i was having a seizure because i was twitching all night.

i had to work at 2 the next day, and the whole day i was dizzy and felt like i wasn’t real or alive. let’s just say, im never taking edibles again. this was the second time i got high, the first time i didn’t like it either, as i had no control over myself and i was so frustrated.

my story seems different from others, as i must’ve just taken too much and my body couldn’t handle it. my boyfriend never wanted me 2 do this because he’s done a lot and knew how bad i could’ve gotten (esp cus im so tiny). but im so blessed to have someone in my life who’s willing to care for me even tho my decisions r stupid.

do y’all have any bad high stories??