My boyfriend and his best friend...


So my boyfriend and his best friend (which is a girl) are SUPER close and sometimes it scares me.. like I don’t know what they could be doing when I’m not around and I get super jealous when I see his arm around her. He tell me I’m beautiful and wonderful in all the right ways. He sends me hearts and kissy faces but won’t tell me he loves me.. which hurts and I have liked him for over 4 years and dated him for a couple months. It’s just his best friend hates me and he KNOWS I hate that bitch and she hugged me the other day (I hate touching other people other than him) he tells me he’s scared I don’t like him the same way he likes me and that if he lost me he’d kill himself he has made plans with me for the future asking me if I want kids and if I was planning on getting married. I love this man tides tho but his relationship with his best friend is scary to me she tells him that him and I need a break from each other. Idk to me it sounds like something more than a friendship like he’s hugged her so many times and I’ve only held hands with him! I have some trust issues which makes me think that, that’s what happening to me but another part tells me that their more than friends. Please help me and comment what ever you want