My hero

Here’s some background first. My mum has 5 children. I’m 16, my brothers are 14 and 20, my sisters are 25 and 21. Until 4 years ago my dad was with us. He was abusive and a drug addict. It took her 17 years to leave my dad.

Growing up my mum never made me or my siblings do chores or even help around the house. Our only obligations were to keep our rooms clean. My mum was looking after 5 kids, dealing with a mentally and physically abusive partner whilst keeping the house presentable and putting food on the table. She until this day has NEVER made me or my siblings work around the house

So comes today, my mum was out with friends, finally enjoying life and allowing herself to have friends. I was filling up my water bottle when I noticed all the dishes from dinner waiting to be washed. I without thinking washed and put away the dishes knowing when she comes home from her night out she won’t have to worry about housework. Not looking for recognition. Just wanting her to enjoy her life.

So she comes home, sees the dishes are done and thanks me. Now that sounds perfectly fine, but it’s not. I don’t want my mum to thank me for helping around the house. I don’t want my mum to thank me for allowing her to have a night without housework.

My mum has spent her whole life giving and supplying for me and my siblings and I can’t ever thank HER enough.