Baby won’t sleep anywhere but our bed?

Taylor ♥️

I know there’s multiple posts like this but I want to know if anyone experienced anything similar.

Since our newborn came home (she’s 3 weeks now), she’s HATED the pack and play. We wanted to keep her in there for 3 months before moving her to her own room in the crib. We’ve tried the rock and play (yikes I know), letting her fall asleep and waiting 20 minutes to move her, trying to let her nap in there during the day to get her used to it, swaddling, etc. NOTHING has worked. And I get it, she was used to being in my belly and all nice and warm and going from that to being all my herself in a pack and play is hard. But this mama is TIRED. I don’t sleep because I worry about her in our bed. My husband is a heavy sleeper and I don’t want him to roll. I’ve gone to the couch with her a few times but at some point soon this has to stop so my hubby and I can sleep by ourselves.

Does it get better? Will I ever be able to move her to her crib without it being a disaster? I don’t want her to get used to sleeping with us but I also am not a fan of the “cry it out” method no matter how old they are. I hate hearing her cry in the pack and play. I’m all she knows and I don’t mind the snuggles. But eventually I want my bed back 😞