Pregnancy help Please

My last period was November 28-December 1st. I sex on December 12 and 13 and then I had spotting on the 16th and 17th of December. When December 28th came around and I was supposed to be due for my next period it never came. I took pregnancy test and all negative. Then last Friday December 18th I took a test and it was POSITIVE. According to my LMP I should be 8 weeks today but I went to get a transvaginal sono today and it showed I am 5 weeks and a few days and nothing is showing but the yolk sac. I’m extremely worried. Could it be possible I got pregnant on the 12th and I really am 5 weeks or did my baby stop developing at 5 weeks and I really am 8 weeks with a no. viable pregnancy. Someone please answer my question because I’m worried and confused. Idk what this means or if it’s possible for the dates to not match up with my period... I need answer