
Heather • Maggie’s mom

LO is 7 months old. She got her bottom 2 teeth at 5 months and overall it was not a horrible experience; it didn’t seem to bother her too much. But today she was a crank, and I’ve seen some unusual behavior from her lately. Here are some of the things I’ve seen from her over the past couple days: extremely irritable at times, chewing vigorously on everything (although that’s not uncommon for her at all), trouble sleeping at night (although she napped well today), coughing more (as if choking on excess saliva), less interest in solid foods, including things she normally loves. BUT, it doesn’t seem like she is drooling excessively, and I don’t see any teeth yet. She does not have a fever. Could she be getting her top 2 teeth in, even though I don’t see them yet? Could that why my baby is such a crank lately?