Laughing gas


I went on my hospital tour last week and they told me that they offer laughing gas as well as an epidural. Has anyone tried the gas, if so did it help?

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Posted at
I tried it for the few hours before I was eligible for an epidural. I did not feel like it helped at all but I was desparate. Everyone reacts differently though so it may work for you. Never hurts to try!


Posted at
YES. It was a lifesaver in so many ways. 🙌🏻


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I've used solely gas with all 5 of my pregnancies. All been induced My 1st I hyperventilated on it so they eased me off it.But the rest were fine.You just feel spacey in the head well I do. Havent been sick from it just makes u super thirsty


puff the magic dragon 🐉 • Jan 22, 2019
Yes thirsty! Ugh I remember my lips cracking and I was trying to sneak water instead of the ice chips lol


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Yeah, my friend just had her second - both pregnancies, labour was so fast that she only had time for the gas anyway. She said it was fine.


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I used gas during a water birth, so no epidural. At first I hated it. It made me nauseous and made my head feel funny. Towards the end of my labor I was using it like crazy and wouldn't give it up. It maybe took the edge off of the contractions, but it also helped me focus on something else other than the pain. I don't know if I'll use it again this time or not.


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I did it with my first. It gave me the spins and made me nauseated but it distracted me from the pain for the time that I used it.


Libby • Jan 22, 2019
I should say distracted me because it made me super sick lol


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It didn’t help me at all with my first, I never asked for it again after that.


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I used the gas as my sole pain relief during my induction and I found it good. I didn’t feel sick like some women do and it was enough to take the edge off but also wore off quickly. You can’t use it while pushing though so there was quite a bit of time where I didn’t have it but I suppose if you’ve had an epidural you won’t need it anyway!


Posted at
I plan on using it as well. Never have before...