TTC#1 on month7 and possible fertility specialist needed...

Shelby • Married Aug ’17—baby #1 March 2020

So my husband and I are both young 22 and starting trying in July of last year thinking it wouldn’t take too long to get pregnant but here we are on month 7. Found out in Oct/Nov that I may not be ovulating on my own so in Dec I started Femara and am now on my 3rd round and so scared it’s not gonna work and we’re gonna have to go to a fertility specialist. I don’t want to take away the natural intimate aspect of conception or have to go into our future homes saving fund. I’ve been so emotional lately wondering why this is happening to us. I’ve Always wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world. I’ve been praying so much and feel like sometimes literally begging God to bless us with a baby... I have been trying these past two months to keep my hopes and faith and Trust in God up but its so hard sometimes when there are soo many pregnant friends I see on instagram and facebook and one that I know that got pregnant on their honeymoon the first time they’ve had sex. How is this all fair....

what is God’s plan with this..