Breastfeeding mamas


I was just wondering how everyone is doing with breastfeeding so far? Do you like it? Hate it? How long do you plan on breastfeeding for and did your plan change?

I didn’t think that I would like breastfeeding because my last babies (twins) would not latch and it was hell. I ended up pumping and bottle feeding breast milk to them for 3 months and then formula fed them after that.

This time I am absolutely loving breastfeeding and I am shocked! We’re in a groove and it just feels so normal now. I committed to myself that I would do at least 3 months but now I think I could do at least 6 months or a year which is so surprising to me! I really thought I would hate being the only one that could feed her but it’s so different this time around.

I’m so curious to see, especially with FTMs, is it everything you expected it to be?