Is it okay to ask my current boyfriend to delete pictures of his crazy ex from his camera roll??

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If he hasn’t deleted them already then somethings up lol


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It depends, like is it just pictures of this girl? Or does it have some important memory tied to it?I have pictures with my exes on my phone, he's the father of my child and I have birth pictures and some other pictures of important or special events with our daughter and him. I will not be deleting them no matter what anyone says. I have however deleted pictures of just him that I took because I thought he looked cute or whatever.I have pictures with another ex because we went on a long hike in a new area and there was lots of beautiful sceneries, I dont plan on deleting them either. But again, all pictures I took because he looked good are deleted.I have no problem with anyone I date having special pictures stored away somewhere either, although I'd be a little uncomfortable if they were out in the open, like a lock screen, or in a picture frame, or someone that will be conatsnaly seen though.If it's just pictures of her, and he straight up refuses to delete them without a reason, then maybe I'd be a little concerned, but it would depend.


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Hold up, why is he keeping it😂


Carmella • Jan 23, 2019
U should delete it and see if he still cares🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Sa • Jan 23, 2019
I’m sorry, if I was breaking up with someone the first thing I would do is delete them from my life!


Emma • Jan 22, 2019
They’re pretty far back in his camera roll, and he claims he just never goes back that far. Which I get but like.... 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


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Shit meant to hit yes! And why the FUCK does he have pictures of his ex???? I would lose my shit if I found an ex in my husband’s phone. That is wrong!!!


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my ex told me he had all our pics in his phone and his new girl found them and deleted all of them .. we didn't even communicate at the time so it was weird that he had them 😂


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I read it too fast and voted wrong lol I meant yesss wtf


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I meant to hit yes 🥴


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My ex and i broke up four months ago, barely in no contact at all. I get a pic message from his the other day it’s me on his lock and home screen still! Like why!?!?we have been broken up for awhile and he doesn’t know what he wants wirh noooo buddy I said good riddance to you months ago.


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That's a red flag in my opinion.


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Why does he still have them in the first place?