33 month old needs company to sleep

From the age of one she's gone to sleep independently. This last wk she says she needs someone to stay with her until she falls asleep. Not a huge issue.. she doesn't nap so she's tired come bedtime but she wakes up during night (always has done) and wants us then. We've moved her into a big bed (issue started before this) and we noticed she wasn't as chatty/ singing as she was- obviously anxious about the big bed. Last night however, slept 7-2 then wouldn't settle even with company. Singing, chatting, crawling about bed- even with my husband there! She's obviously more confident in the bed. I feel like she's taking the piss now!! If we don't go in she cries... hard. Hate that. Any ideas? Feeling like tough love may be in order..i work and can't continue like this. For info: She has a night light, is toilet trained and eats well!