Should I be induced right before 40 weeks?

Charlotte • Wife 💍 stepmom 👸 pibble mom 🐶🐶🐶 Kendal Grace Jan. 2019 👣🍼

There's no medical reason besides I'm so uncomfortable and ready to get this baby out. Plus I only have 8 weeks of leave and this is my first baby and I really don't have any signs of labor but I HURT, especially with my physically demanding job. I don't want to force my body to get rid of her but I also don't want to waste an entire week or 2 of my limited leave sitting around waiting. I'm getting my membranes stripped on Wednesday then maybe again on Friday if I don't get induced on Thursday.

Again, this is my first and I didn't get checked for dilation at my appointment last week. My husband is ok with it if I am but knowing that I'm being forced into labor is terrifying when I've never done it before..