Braxton Hicks


Hey ladies so last night was one of the roughest times for me. I was severely cramping in my upper abdominal area that sometimes shot to my pelvis. I had lower back cramping as well. No discharge or water breaking nothing.This lasted for 3 hours until I finally called my OB and asked what was going on. She said Braxton Hicks but when I called and relayed my symptoms I felt like I was a bother since I called her when she was on call. She advised Tylenol and rest and sounded like Braxton Hicks. And if I continues by tomorrow morning to come in so they can check me out.

So I took the Tylenol and bam like 2 hours later when I was asleep I was awaken with sever pain again on my upper abdominal area. Felt like I had to poop but nothing. Then this whole time as well I was having to me was seemed to be bad acid reflux as well. But I took 4 tums and nothing and every time I got up to use the bathroom I was burping.

So my question is should I go into today just to be on the save side?