am i in denial on my birthday?

really confused today. i met a guy 6 months ago over the summer at an internship. inttially i was not interested in him but he was ver persistent. he and i seemed to have romantic feelings for each by the end of the summer. any other person Ive talked to about this agrees that he was really interested in me.

definitly felt like there was something more. now that we are back in college in seperate states he is much more distant, but begins to chase whenever i tell him im moving on or can't talk. Told him how i felt yesterday and he says he "dont take this the wrong way but im not looking for anything romantic". he just thought we were being friends. I told a close friend the entire story and she said it sounds like he led you on and maybe changed his mind when you guys went back to school.

I told him I didnt feel like a frienship would be good because i feel that he was lying about how he has been feeling this whole time. He said he though we have had a good frienship so far. I told him I didnt trust. He hasnt reaponded back. Not exactly sure if i missed signs or if i was in denial please help. its my birthday and im so embarassed.