Too early to ask for induction date?

Breanna • little man born 02/2019 💙

I’m heading to my 36 week appointment soon and I’m thinking about asking him how he’d feel about inducing me the week after my due date if baby hasn’t arrived. My husband works two weeks on, one week off, 4 hours away, and we live in an area where inclement weather is common and can and does shut down the roads between us (they are actually closed today.) hubby will be home when I’m 40+2 through 41+1 and I’m considering asking him to induce me that week if little man hasn’t made his appearance yet, so I’m not having to worry about my husband driving back to me the next week. Or should I not even bother asking? I know baby is pretty likely to come that week anyway. I’m just so stressed! I don’t want to do this without my husband 😭