Pregnancy weight

I am 5’0”. When I got pregnant with my son (4) I weighed 105 lb, and ended the pregnancy at 180lb. I had lost more than half the baby weight before my GYN recommended I get birth control, so I had the nexplanon implant placed and gained all the weight back within a few months. I e have since had it removed but was never able to lose the weight. I am 4w 6d with baby #2 and am terrified I am going to gain as much weight as with my first, and end up not being able to lose the weight again. I eat healthy aside from the occasional craving, and live a moderately active lifestyle. Any PP moms have tricks for not gaining excessive weight during pregnancy/shedding the pounds after birth?

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I'm pregnant with my frist , I've been eatting veggie's and fruits and leaner meats, and sugar free stuff, and doing some pregnancy yoga, lifting weights,and walking on the treadmill