Exercising too little?

Hi everyone!

I recently started adopting a healthy lifestyle and wanted a little advice, so please be kind!

I’ve always eaten fairly healthy since I’m a vegetarian, but decided to incorporate more whole foods into my diet. So that’s as far as my “diet” goes. But something new is more exercise into my life.

I started hiking weekly, then incorporating the gym at least twice a week and began walking at least once a week or so. (For example gym on Monday and Tuesday [or I opt for a hike instead] and Thursday or Friday I take my dog out for a long walk). This is where I’m a little in need of advice, is this enough? Should I be working out more? It can be a little difficult to incorporate more time when I have long school days, but my campus is large so I do walk at least 3miles or so when I’m there.

My goal isn’t necessarily to get thin or lose a drastic amount of weight, I mostly just want to tone and a lose a little bit around the middle.

What do you suggest?