Strange spotting


Hi everyone! So my husband and I have been trying to conceive for only two months. This month has been especially frustrating because I have had symptoms and spotting but I’m one to two days past my missed period and still getting negative tests. I started spotting 3 days before my period was due with mild cramping. The first day, I started spotting brown at night. The second day was more red but still only spotting and I literally only had enough to use a panty liner. The third day was brown again and only showed up when I wiped. There was a bit of spotting in the fourth day too which was red but it only happened once when I wiped. Now I’m not having any spotting at all. I usually don’t spot before my period and my normal flow is heavy heavy heavy and lasts 7 days. Could this be a weird implantation bleeding? Has anyone had anything like this and ended up being pregnant?