What do you guys think?

Mercedes • Mom to Silas 9-21-20 💙 one 👼🏻 in the sky 2/8/19.

Have no clue what DPO I would be, I’m 17 days late today so maybe I ovulated late, but I swear I see a faint line, tested with three of the Wondfo tests with FMU, all look super faint. This was the last one I took and looks just a smidge darker so I got better pics. I did post a previous post about this, but I wanted to make a poll (only two people have commented and I’m freaking out if I’m crazy or not 😂). Here’s the test:

And the other strips I took:

I’ve been sick the last three days, and had cramping the other day for a few days. There is some other symptoms but nothing that can’t be pointed towards being other things. Thanks!

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