Babies understanding their emotions?


So my little sweet girl Briella is 10wks old. The past few days I have noticed certain things going on with her that is making me think that she can feel and understand her emotions. Ex:- If we drive at night time she screams like shes scared to death in the backseat in her carseat ! But i cant tell if she is scared of the dark, scared to be alone in the back, or if shes in legit pain from having acid reflux, or maybe she's just fighting sleep, or just bored ! She was diagnosed a week ago with having acid reflux and is on medecine which has made a positive impact change in her so far and she doesnt cry any other time in her carseat (driving during the day, after i take her out of the car still in the carseat and set it down in the living room to unload the rest of her things out of the car she wont cry). She cries a little in the day while in her seat when i go get coffee every morning but more of a bored cry and then makes herself fall asleep quickly. After i pull her out of the carseat and we get back to the house she started digging her head in my chest and hides her face until she falls aaleep. I just can't figure it out and need yalls help!! Do babies understand their emotions??

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