soooo i think i have endometriosis????

ever since i started my period at age 11, any sort of insertion in my vagina hurts extremely bad even the smallest tampons available but i didn't think much of it since everyone told me i was just putting it in wrong. now it's years later and im still in so much pain down there, in fact it's gotten way worse!! my periods began to be irregular (i even missed it for a whole year), i started getting extreme cramping, migraines, pain while urinating, constant cycles of constipation then diarrhea, i would even throw up and pass out from pain so i recently started realizing that all of these things are related and are symptoms of endo. so i decided to do more research and set up a gyno appointment to make sure but it's been months and im still on the waiting list. i decided since i have to wait so long I'd do a little self examination by feeling around in there and looking in a mirror and such (keep in mind i only ever vaginally masturbated once and it hurt so i never did it again so ive never really paid much attention to the inside of my vagina). as i felt around i felt small lumps around the opening and on the inside walls and further up i felt a giant lump, i was shocked. im highly disturbed and idk what it is or what to do. someone pls pls take the time to read this, and help me im very scared
