This is it


I’m trying to get all our last minute things done as we go from a family of 5 to a family of 6 tomorrow. We go in at 5am to start our induction process. I have so many emotions going on right now. I’m sitting in my rocking chair watching/listening to our boys (Tanner who’s 10, Chandler who’s almost 7, and Greyson who’s almost 3) play in the living room. This is the last night that it will just be the three of them! I know this is my last day of ever being pregnant as we have decided to have my husband take care of that. I am so excited to have this little guy and have all my boys together but I am going to miss being pregnant and feeling all the movements and kicks! This chapter of my life is closing and a new chapter of life begins! Prayers for this emotional momma to have peace would be so much appreciated!