

Looking for advice on adoption so I have 21 month old little girl me and her father ain’t together but I’m currently happy in a new relationship and we are expecting a little boy in May. My little girls dad has recently got in touch (he’s been walking in and out of her life since she was born) it’s not about the money to me because since I found out I was pregnant with her iv done it all in my own financially and I haven’t struggled and even more help now I have my amazing partner but the whole claim had been a point of principle to him as he says he wants a relationship with her but doesn’t want to pay for her he just runs away from his responsibility’s ( and no I didn’t stop him from seeing her at any point because he wasn’t paying) the money was going to go into a second saving account for her for when she is older.

He messaged me tonight basically saying that if I drop the child maintenance claim against him and the back payment he owes me (which is since October 2017) he will sign papers for my other half to adopt my little girl, this has never been brought up to her dad at any point and the only way it’s been brought up into our conversation is my other half said he would love to adopt her if he had the chance and obviously other factors into that Aswell and we knew it might happen one day just not this soon ... my other half is brilliant with her she is definitely a daddy’s girl even though she isn’t biologically his. it’s so sad that she doesn’t know who her real dad is but he just proved he’s only bothered about money instead of a relationship with his daughter.

My partner works away through the week so we will be talking about it more at weekend and discussing it deeply but how would we get the ball rolling for the adoption process with it all with it being my little girl and us not adopting someone else baby if that make sense?

Does anyone else have any experience with roughly the same thing?

I would love to hear other people’s stories

Please no nasty comments!

Thanks in advance