Last ditch effort to avoid induction tomorrow


Update Wednesday at 10am: apparently little girl realized I was serious about her leaving. I'm now cramping, contracting, intermittently nauseated and having a bloody show. Yay!!! Nothing to head to the hospital for yet, but I'm about to go on a long walk and see what happens. I will be so incredibly grateful if I go into real labor naturally!!!!

I just jumped my husband. It took effort given my energy level is at an all time low, but even if it doesn't kick start labor I wanted to make sure we had one last special moment to get us through the next six weeks. Unless baby girl has a dramatic change of heart (she hasn't been bothered by two membrane sweeps, tons of exercise, sex, spicy foods, pineapple, and the ever so worthless Super Blood Wolf Moon) we will head into the hospital tomorrow night to make her come out. 40.4 is long enough baby girl....