Long Rant

Ok. So basically me and my boyfriend talk about the future right. Well we do not have kids currently. Which is fine. Too early for kids anyways (me, f/18, him, m/19). But when we talk about it, I let him know that his mom or sisters will not be invited into the delivery room while I'm giving birth. Not because I don't like them but because I don't want my vagina on full display for anyone to see except my mom, my own sister, and my boyfriend. Well he says "you know my mom is going to want to be in there too right? So that's rude." And my response is always "it's my vagina. That's personal. MY mom has seen my vagina." And he still gets mad. And then when he's in my phone in my contacts he gets mad because I have hearts by my mom, dad, sister, one cousin, and him in my contacts but not his parents. And I'm just like "sorry. They've been real messed up towards me so it's not gonna happen." And it upsets him. But I'm not one of those people who can love other people the same way I love my own mom and dad. I can't call another woman mom and I can't call another man dad. It's very uncomfortable for me and makes me feel weird. When other people that I'm not particularly close to say "I love you" it's hard to say it back because the way they feel, I can't reciprocate those feelings. I love them as people. But I can't just say it back. It's weird for me. And I just can't get over it. I've tried. A lot. It's not an issue at all to get along and be nice. But his parents are not mine and they try to get me to call them mom and dad and it's weird. So I just say their names instead. I cannot bring myself to do it. I have one mom who I love very much and no one could ever replace her. I have one dad who i love very much and no one could ever replace him. And with how overbearing his parents are, there's no way. My parents are very laid back considering I'm almost 19 and I don't live with them. But when I lived with them, of course there were rules. But they didn't tell me where I could and could not go, when I could and could not go, they didn't pester me about when I'd be back. They'd text/call and ask so that they could leave the door unlocked or lock it. Their mindset is that I'm responsible for myself. I'm an adult. His parents on the other hand: when are you coming back? Why do you need to go anywhere? Are you cooking tonight? Cause you should be. Come home now because I said so and there's no particular reason. *calling every 10 minutes to complain and whine* keeping tabs on whereabouts. Calls me when I'm out doing something and won't be back for a hours and they know it just to say "come and cook dinner" like are you incapable of doing it yourself? Make a sandwich damn. I'll be there when I get there. You don't need to know where I am at all times. You don't need to know every move I make. You don't need to know why I am going somewhere. And you certainly have no business as to who I'm with. It's DAILY. Oh you want to go see your friends on a Friday night and play monopoly when you have literally nothing to do the next day? Nope. Be home by 9. Like no I'll be there when I get there. I worked hard all week. I earned my free time. Go be up someone else's butt for a while. You wonder why all your kids moved out at 16 and hardly ever visit you. You play the victim to circumstances that you created. When you sit and yell at your grown son and call him names and he warns you to stop and you don't, so he yells back "WHAT THE F*** IS YOUR PROBLEM?! WHAT THE F*** DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!!" and you act all hurt and say "I can't believe you would talk to me like that. Why are you so rude?" Maybe because it's actually all your fault and you need drama in your life because you don't have a life yourself. Sorry you choose to be up your husbands ass and nothing else. That's your own fault. The church we go to has 3 morning services. 8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am. My boyfriend and I like to go to the 10 am one so we can get a little extra sleep. But his parents complained and bitched him out because he didn't want to get up at 6am like he does mon-fri. God forbid he does what he wants to. They blame me for everything in his life that goes wrong. Oh you're mad? It's her fault. Oh you don't want to get up at 6am? That's her fault. Oh you're being rude after I just cussed you out for no reason? It's her fault. Oh your sisters wedding was on your birthday so you stay for the ceremony and to hang out and then leave at 8pm. Oh well