Vent: Dog sitting

I'm super annoyed that I've had to watch my bf parents dogs 2 times since my baby has been born (she's 12 weeks).

First of all, we live in a super small house and have a dog of our own.

His parents expected that one of the dogs sleeps in our bed (because that's what it does at their house)- um I'm sorry we dont even let our own dog sleep with us!

Ive had to vacuum twice a day since they have been here. Their dogs dont listen, one of them jumps (not fun when your carrying the baby), they bark a lot (and my dog rarely barks), and one of them eats other dogs shit which is disgusting!

I understand we got really lucky with my dog as he is well behaved. But I dont like watching other peoples dogs!

Also, I'm the one that is home all day with them and takes care of them for the most part (my bf will fill the water or let them out but usually I have to ask).

And I feel bad for my dog as a new baby changes a lot of things. Obviously the baby needs lots of attention, and throw 3 dogs in the mix cause that's what I wanted!

Am i wrong for being annoyed?! Sorry just needed to vent!!