Haven’t told anyone

Well... my husband my mom and sister and 2 co workers

Other than that no one knows I’m expecting.

I just don’t care about people knowing or care for their excitement or comments 😂 my husband and I are such homebodies and don’t really do much other than relax and home and mind our business. I know my in laws need to be informed but I told my husband he needs to tell them since I had to tell both our families with our first born since he had just left for deployment. Anyone else super excited but don’t feel like sharing? I’m not necessarily hiding it I just don’t care to post of social media or tell people I don’t even talk to?

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Posted at
Same. I’m currently 17 weeks and just husband and family knows. I don’t see a point in sharing with social media.


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Same girl!! 16 weeks and everyone keeps asking me when I’m going to announce.. I’m response is always “why should I?” Not hiding it by any means just enjoy it myself. 💕


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I was the same


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Same . I think I’ll announce after 20 weeks. That’s what I did with my first . I don’t feel the need to really share yet. I have told my husband obviously,my parents and two others.


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