Just conceived, here were my symptoms

Melissa • 24, Married, Mom of 1 little girl, Texas Hair Stylist 🎀 PREGGERS WITH #2 💕

I just conceived this month but I’m not trying to make this an announcement post. I’m making this in case maybe it could help someone. This month made cycle 2 of TTC and my first month using OPKs. I highly recommend them if you are not yet using them. I BD just about every other day until I got an almost positive OPK and then I bd the day before and the day of ovulation. At about 6-7 dpo I began to notice a little bit of soreness around the sides of my breasts and a heightened sense of smell. Also slight fatigue. About 8 dpo I began experiencing mood swings. I literally cried one night bc I wanted pizza rolls but was too tired to eat them. 9-10 dpo I had dizzy spells and metallic taste in mouth accompanied by the previous symptoms. 11dpo I tested with fmu and got a faint positive. This month I stopped taking the Maca root just bc I didn’t want any extra outside influences affecting what my cycle wanted to do. I did however take a multivitamin and cut back on the sodas and switched to lemon water. Also I honestly tried to stay off of Glow so much so that I wouldn’t get stressed out. This may or may not help anyone but here it is anyway. Baby dust to you all!