Need to vent. I can’t take it anymore.😭

I am grateful to be a mother, my child is 7 years old already. I have tried year after year to have a second child. I pray day and night, I haven’t lost hope. I know one day I will have a second child, but my sister just had a baby and I just wanna carry the baby for 5 minutes and she’ll come and take the baby away from me. She’ll say stupid stuff like, “Have your own!” Or “it’s not my fault you can’t get pregnant.” I’m sure y’all know what that feels like. I am so tired of the same thing. My husband feels so bad when he sees how hurt I am. He even thought it was his fault. He even wanted to take vitamins to help him. It just sucks that it’s so hard for me to get pregnant. Infertility sucks! I don’t think I’m depressed because I try to stay busy with my child, but all these comments hurt and make me break down so bad. Sorry y’all. I just wanted to vent. I have no friends to talk to nor family since they always throw it in my face that I can’t get pregnant. 😞

**Update. Thank you so much ladies. It is good to know someone is here for you and knows what you’re feeling. I appreciate your kind words. Baby dust to all, and may God bless you💕