In case you’re worried you won’t lose the baby weight...

Hi my ladies, I had a rough go this pregnancy with body image. I just felt huge the entire time - far bigger than I did with my first. I am sharing this to help anyone dealing with the same issues I did and to show you there is light at the end of the tunnel. I truly did not think I would lose the baby weight and was terrified about how my body would look postpartum.

I am exactly 3 weeks postpartum today, had my beautiful baby girl on Jan 2nd. I was 210 lbs 3 weeks ago and today I am back down to my pre pregnancy weight of 175. All it took was 3 weeks!! I haven’t been exercising because I had a c section, I’ve been eating somewhat healthy but no crazy diet. I have been breastfeeding which I believe helps. ANYWAY, I know we are all different I just wanted to give anyone who needs it some hope. I wish I had had some a month ago!