6dpo and I’m bleeding!



I am 6DPO today. Just went to the bathroom and saw this on my panty.......please tell me this is NOT aunt flow showing up 😢

Currently breastfeeding my 14 months old toddler but AF returned since I was one month postpartum so I am assuming I do ovulate - had a PEAK opk last Wednesday (CD11) & had ovulation pain early next morning on CD12 which makes today 6dpo.

If you were still breastfeeding while TTC, did you bleed like this prior to getting a BFP??? I need some hope....because I’m LOSING hope that I can’t conceive as long as I’m still bf 😢

I literally just bled from January 6-13 so I had my period just a week and a half ago so what is this blood I’m having today 😩

When I wiped