Possible miscarriage(maybe)



So my cycle hasn't been consistent for some time. So when this month came late I thought it was no biggie. Everything seemed like a normal period for me, except my second day I went out to have a few drinks and my bleeding almost completely stopped. The next day everything was back to usual. My period usually only last 5 days, so when I was bleeding on day 6 just thought it was making up for the other night of no bleeding. My friend suggested I take a pregnancy test to make sure,Turns up positive all 3 test are positive. Sunday comes around I'm cramping and bleeding becomes heavier. My boss sends me to the er where they do a blood test and its positive but my levels are only at 9 so the can't do an ultrasound. They aren't sure if I'm miscarrying or it's to early to tell. Has anyone else experienced this b4