Clomid help


So my Dr. started me on 50 mg of Clomid that I take starting cycle day 4-9? (I will have to look at my calendar to see the stop day). Anyway that puts me starting tonight.

My dilemma is the day she has me to start OPK testing/BDing is the day I leave for a short trip. We could definitely BD before I leave early that morning and then I return on what the Dr projects to be my ovulation date.

So my question is, has anyone in this group did a round of Clomid and ovulated earlier then expected? Or is it generally pretty standard. I hate that it’s falling on a trip of mine out of town that’s already paid for. 😩 I’m hoping I ovulate when she projects or later. I just want to know what others experiences are with ovulation on Clomid.

And I have already called and left a voicemail with the nurse. I just want others peoples experiences.