Implantation? Period? Please help.

I need help.

Sunday afternoon I had some very light, watery pink spotting when I wiped. I thought AF was starting so I put a panty liner on but there was no more spotting overnight. Monday I had more pink, and very light brown spotting, but only when I wiped. Tuesday the spotting was still light but slightly redder, only a few small spots in a panty liner. Today it’s red, but still super light and mostly when I wipe with a few small spots in a panty liner. No clots or anything, it’s all been thin and kind of watery consistency.

I’ve only had a few minor cramps here and there, nothing like I usually get with AF. No other symptoms at all. I took an internet cheapie and it was negative but it could be too early for it to pick up hcg anyway.

If this is my period it’s weird because I’ve never had this many days of spotting beforehand, but I guess anything is possible.

I have very irregular periods so I have no idea when AF is due.

Does this sound like it could possibly be implantation bleeding? Or is the spotting lasting too long and I’m just off to a weird start with AF this month?

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