Pregnant 7 months after c-section.


Hey all, I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant, and my daughter turned 9 months on the 19th of January.

Baby was not planned, and we were using condoms (hormonal birth control didn’t agree with my for some reason after I had my daughter).

Anyone else get pregnant within a year of a c-section and go on to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after csection), or did you have a repeat C-section?

While I want my baby to be born happy and healthy, be it vaginally or C-section, I would prefer to avoid a second C-section.

My daughter was a C-section due to failure to progress past 7cm, as her head and body were so big (40cm head, 10lbs 4oz), so if this baby is average sized, hopefully I won’t have issues with dilation.

Photo of my gorgeous daughter, Kira 💕


I should mention that my scar has healed perfectly and my midwife isn’t concerned with the 16 months between births.