Threatening me?

So I moved out about a few days ago with my boyfriend actually yesterday. We got a really nice apartment and everything together and today we had a disagreement and he told me he regrets everything with me. Told me he wish he can go back to his grandfathers and all of this bullshit. He said stuff to the point I almost started tearing up. We got back to the place and my mom is over so he went in the bedroom and went to sleep and I’m out here alone and just upset basically with my mom. Advice? He keeps threatening me with this place and I’m tired of it. I can’t up and leave because both of our names are on it. I dont know what to do at this point. He even said he’s going to sleep on the couch and this and that and threatening me. I dont know whats going on and why I deserved that. He hasn’t even texted me apologizing or coming out here apologize. I’m thinking of going out and driving around for a while. Advice ? What would you do