Periodically Emotional


Every time I get my period it’s like I go on this hormone crash and all the happy chemicals in my brain are just down right gone! It usually happens at the beginning of my cycle where am I’m just sad or on the verge of crying. I can’t help it and I wish I could control it better. My usual mood is carefree, easy going and happy-go-lucky but Atleast once a month it’s like my lady hormones are trying to kill me. I broke down today at work and actually started crying because one of my coworkers yelled at me. I was immediately embarrassed, then super angry and frustrated and then just the water works came down as soon as they let me have some time to be away from the crew. What can I do to help ease myself during my cycles so that I don’t feel so sad and vulnerable? Any suggestions ladies? Am I the only one dealing with this every month? It’s super exhausting 😭😭