Freaking out 😰


So I wasn’t able to see a doctor until really late in my pregnancy because I was having so many issues with getting insurance so my doctor is doing all these tests last minute.

I’m 37 weeks on Friday and I just got the glucose test and the anatomy sonogram. They called me today and said I failed the glucose test and I have to come back and do a 3 hour test to see if I have gestational diabetes. I have 2 kids and I’ve never had gestational diabetes before, I’m so scared for what this means for me!

My main concern is that I haven’t seen a doctor until recently so what if I’ve had it all this time untreated? Could something happen to my baby?

I had the anatomy sonogram today to see if he’s growing normally and I’ll know the results tomorrow, but they said he already weighs 7.3 pounds. 😳 I still have 3 weeks left and he’s already as big as my first two babies at birth! 😰😰😰

I am beyond nervous at this point!