Pregnancy worry


I went to the doctors for my 33 weeks check up and the doctor I was supposed to see was an hour behind, so the nurse asked if I’d see a nurse practitioner instead of having to wait. I said sure. Mind you the woman I saw I don’t like at all. She always makes me feel like something is wrong. She measured my belly and told me I am 3 weeks ahead. She told me my blood pressure was a little on the high side, Then she proceeds to ask me if I saw little white spots in my eyes and If I have had a lot of headache and if my legs have been swelling. I got home and called my mom and told her how my appointment went and she said she asked me those question because those are all signs of preeclampsia. Now I’m scared out of my mind. Has anyone else had a big scare like this. Google said the condition is rare and I’m only 19. Please no rude comments