Period problems

I’m going to see a doctor for this soon just curious if anyone else has been in a similar situation and what it might be.

I have pretty regular periods and they are about a medium flow typically.

I had unprotected sex one night and was worried, so I took plan b immediately afterward. My period never came along and so I took multiple pregnancy tests and they were always negative. I didn’t get my period for 2 months. Finally in the middle of November I got my period, but it was super light. I haven’t stopped bleeding since then. Usually it’s just a tiny bit of blood when I wipe, but every so often I’ll have a day where it’ll be just a tad heavier. I thought the plan b maybe just messed with my hormones and so I was waiting for it to go back to normal and it hasn’t. At one point I thought it had ended, but then I went to pee and when I wiped there was some light pink blood.

Anyone else have a similar situation?