Help! Emotionally cant


hello ladies I need some advice. I'm 23 weeks and for the past 2 weeks I've been dealing with my baby being labeled with SGA, follow up ultrasound to verify baby hasn't stopped growing or IUGR is on 2/7. So yea emotionally I'm full trying not to totally melt down before knowing what's going on for sure. The problem is with work. most people still dont know and I'm not ready now with everything. There is a coworker that is also pregnant however she does everything she can to almost brag about everything "wrong" in her pregnancy, most a complete lie. we all know it's for attention and I typically ignore her because let's face it that's freaking weird. I've heard she is asking around if I'm pregnant so I wouldnt be surprised if she confronts me I just dont know if I can handle confrontation along with her natural one upping. I have never dreaded work but I'm dreading it now and dont know how to handle it. I'm emotional and feel I'll either crack and break down or tell her off because of how much it hurts to have done every freaking thing right and I dont want anything wrong with my baby working next to someone who will lie and do anything to have something be wrong with her or her baby. Idk what to do cause its coming Friday 😔