Boyfriend acting different?

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now and in September I caught him asking girls for naughty pictures, (is assuming because he is a first time father and he was freaking out)when I confronted him about it he instantly apologized and deleted Snapchat and over 300 numbers from his phone leaving mostly all guys numbers. We had a rocky time from September to December one being not intimate because all I could think about were the girls while we did it. Well anyways our daughter was born Jan 16th and my boyfriend has since been really loving, he always wants to change her diaper and help out and he keeps pulling me closer to him to cuddle and rubbing my hair when I lay on him and he always stares at me especially after looking at our daughter. Makes me wonder if having our daughter was a huge eye opener for him. I really want to marry this man he is the love of my life and I’m praying the way he is acting he is moving toward that stage.