Baby food


At what age did you start your little ones on actual food and what did you start with?

I have a 5 and a half month old daughter and it seems like she can’t get enough to eat.

I was giving her both formula and breast milk but I think my milk may be drying up so she has more formula than breast.

I try to give her between 24-32 oz a day since that’s what her doctor said she should be having at this point. Dr also said to wait until 6 months for solids but I’ve heard of some people giving it sooner.

I also try to give her at least two bottles with oatmeal cereal in it. I was planning to start replacing a bottle with a little bowel of baby cereal.

Any advice and suggestions are helpful. She was going 3-4 hours between bottles but the past two days she’s been hungry crying again after 2-3 hours