Feeling frustrated I don't show.. 😓

I'm 16w6d.

I've got a skinny frame and have been underweight for roughly a year now. It's neartly impossible for me to gain weight and keep it on 🤷‍♀️

Since I became pregnant I'd lost 15lbs!! And only gained back 13 so far.

Anyways I'm a ftm and I wish I showed alot more than I do.. people look at me and don't even know until I tell them!

The big boss at my work asked me if I was pregnant in my foot 🤦SMH

I know some ftms don't pop until they're at least 20-25 weeks and I've even talked to my mom co-workers and they said the same..

I've felt him move and is amazing. Just barely noticeable really.

I do see a difference from my 12 week to 16 week but more so feel like I just look like I gained some much needed weight.. which is true but I want a bump. Not a chubby tummy..

Ugh.. could someone you tell me your stories about not really showing till later on?