Really need advice


I'm really new to this whole romance thing, and I really need advice. I've posted this in several other tabs but its been buried so I'm trying here now. I'm desperate 😅 So basically, my best friend (who I've had a crush on for 3 years) recently came out saying she was confused about her sexuality. We never tell each other much about the extremely personal stuff in our lives, let alone anyone else so it meant a lot that she'd tell me something like this. She's recently been more open about the stuff going on in her life, which really feels good knowing that she trusts me with this. I opened up about my sexuality too and how I'm a bit confused as well, which I think really bonded us to have something so personal in common. We've talked a lot recently, more than ever before. It feels really good to have a friend this close to me. But the issue is I like her, a lot. And I really want to tell her, but I'm scared if she doesn't like me back we're going to lose our friendship. She's gotten so close to be over the last few weeks and I really don't want to ruin that. All the crushes I've had in the past I never talked to and I regret it, and I want to change that and speak up this time but I'm so scared. I can't get her out of my head and it's driving me crazy, but I don't know if telling her is the right move here. I was thinking about doing it on Valentine's day, but that seems so soon. I'm really new to this whole romance thing, and my past "relationships", if you could even call them that, sucked. I don't know what I'm walking into, or if telling her is the right choice. I'd rather have her as a friend than not at all, but it's driving me crazy. I don't even know if she likes girls for sure. Do you have any advice?